Hi there! My name is Aliss and I’m excited to share my love of home decor with you. When I moved into my first apartment, I was on a tight budget but still wanted to make my space feel like home. That’s why I started experimenting with different accents and decorations that were affordable but still added personality to my place.

Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about how to make the most of a small budget when it comes to home decor. Whether you’re moving into your first dorm room, apartment, or house. You might be surprised to learn how small, affordable purchases can make a big impact on the look and feel of a room, I know I was. I hope my advice can help you transform your space into a cozy and stylish home, whatever your style!

On my website, you’ll find tips and ideas for finding affordable home decor accents, as well as inspiration for creating a cohesive look on a budget. I’ll also share some of my own decorating experiences, mistakes and all! Over the years, from the day I moved out of my parents home, to the present where I live with my partner and six children, I have moved many times. I have lived in very cramped apartments, old damp houses and modern rentals.

Each new home comes with it’s own challenges and sometimes you only discover them after you move in!

I’m not a professional interior designer, but I believe that anyone can create a beautiful and functional home with a little creativity and resourcefulness. So if you’re looking for some non-professional advice and inspiration for sprucing up your home, you’re in the right place. I’m passionate about helping people make their new homes feel like their own.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find my website helpful!
